无纺布胶带 Medical non-woven tape
小动物引流袋 Animal drainage bag
PGA可吸收缝合线 PGA Absorbable sutures
PDO可吸收缝合线 PDO Absorbable sutures
留置针(带肝素帽) I.V. Cannula
注射器 带针 Disposable Syringes with attached needle
猫导尿管 Urinary catheter for cats
狗导尿管 Canine urinary catheter
气管插管 Endotracheal tube
气管插管(橄榄球囊) Endotracheal tube (olive-shaped)
犬猫气管插管(盲插) Blind intubating endotracheal tube
气插压力计 Airway Sure
喂药器 Tablet Introducer
橡胶手套 Rubber Surgical Gloves and Medical Rubber Gloves
自粘绷带 Cohesive Bandage
肝素锂管 Lithium Heparin
钛合金骨科器械 Titanium Alloy Orthopedic Instruments
不锈钢骨科器械 Stainless Steel Orthopedic Instruments
15件牙科器械套装 Dental instrument kit